Hand of Hope at Home -
Omaha, NE - "MISSION to OMAHA in MAY" May 9, 2015 - We made our shortest, and closest Mission Trip. It was a great opportunity to help a neighbor in need. This was especially fun as some people were able to get their feet wet and see how much fun it is to be there and help others in need! We assisted a couple in Southwest Omaha who was in need of some home renovations. It was a great day for getting their garden ready, planting flowers to brighten up the area, trimming trees back from hanging on the house and vegetables planted for a summer harvest. Another group of us removed the windows and then installed new ones. Hand of Hope at Home - Omaha, NE
- - Empty Tomb Ministries - - We all have the opportunity to volunteer to make and serve a meal to approximately 130 homeless and less fortunate people one Sunday a month or one Sunday a year. This is a great outreach opportunity for families, groups at church and neighbors. It involves only a day to purchase and prep food, then half a day to serve. Hand of Hope Ministries has partnered with Empty Tomb to help secure groups to serve meals on the second Sunday each month. If this interests you, we will be glad to answer questions, let you come along, or put you in touch with their coordinator, just click HERE. |
Hand of Hope at Home -
Omaha, NE - - - Abide Ministries - - A great ministry here at home in Omaha, the larger vision of Abide is to revitalize North Omaha one neighborhood at a time by purchasing and rebuilding rundown homes, then cleaning up their neighborhoods. In 2011 and 2012 we as a church worked together to demo then rebuild a home with them. Click Here if you are interested in working on a project like this. |